Candle of the Month – LOVE

Our January 2020 Sweet / Fruity Candle of the Month is...
Lime, Orange, Vanilla and Elemi
We all want to start the New Year surrounded with love. Now, when I say this, I’m not talking about being in a relationship. I mean love for yourself and your surroundings. I wanted to start the New Year with a candle that is more than just about the scent, I wanted it to be a reminder to start and continue to LOVE yourself right throughout 2020.
L = Lime
O = Orange
V = Vanilla
E = Elemi
I saw this quote that resonated with me
“We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives, not looking for flaws, but for potential.”
-Ellen Goodman
I know that I’m making changes to my life this year. The business has been hard for me as I’m am an extremely private and shy person. I started out this business on my kitchen table and have grown it slowly with the help and support of my loving family. The hardest part is the social aspect. I had to create a personal Facebook to open my business page and am not someone that posts personal details about my life, cause my life is pretty much home, Coles and candles. Not something you all want to read about haha. But in 2020 I have decided to open up a little more. I’m petrified I’ll be judged for everything and anything, but I want to push myself out of my cosy comfort zone and hope you all out there respond kindly. I created this club to share my love of candles and gift-giving. I love seeing the smile on someone’s face when they open a gift and are surprised by the contents. With Club Candle, I’m so happy when I hear from customers that they loved the candle of the month or that the gift they gave was a huge hit. So thanks to you all for your love and support and here’s to a New Year and a new, more confident me.
In LOVE and want to buy this candle?
Our LOVE candle is available now. It's the best way to get exactly what you want. Click here to get it now
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