Candle of the Month - Bliss

Bliss Candle Up Close

Our January 2020 Sweet / Fruity Candle of the Month is… Bliss

Bliss: verb/

To reach a state of perfect happiness, oblivious of everything else. 

It’s the ultimate dream, isn’t it? To live in a world where you have enough time, energy and motivation to light a candle, run a bath and enjoy fifteen minutes to yourself. 

We may not be able to help with the lack of time or with the bath, but we sure can help with the candle.

 When I think of taking ‘Me-Time’, I think of snacking on some sweet things and I think Bliss perfectly sums that up. It’s sweet enough to pack a punch but not too overpowering to leave sitting in the house. 

Almost named ‘Berry Bliss’, we decided to stick with the short and sweet version when one of our staff mentioned they could smell more zingy tangerine in the candle than anything else. It always intrigues me that you can have ten people smell the same thing and they all interpret it differently. I think that's the beauty of candles, they really are what you make it.

We hope you love Bliss and that it inspires you to settle down for a moment and take some time for yourself!

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