You can give a gift or pre-pay for 3, 6 or 12 months to save

You can give a gift or pre-pay for 3, 6 or 12 months to save.
This option is great if you want to set and forget. You pay upfront so unfortunately, you can't cancel, but you will receive a discount and maybe even a few gifts throughout your subscription. You can give as a gift or our favourite - keep for yourself.
Give a Gift
Whether it's a birthday, a thank you or our favourite – just because. The gift of candles will always come with the oohs and ahhs. Everyone I know has a candle in their home, and we all love getting something that smells fantastic. Candles make the perfect gift and our subscriptions up the ante. We don't send out the same scents and the same candle containers. We wanted to change the candle game, and we create a new style and scent EVERY month x 2.
If you're a fly by the seat of your pants kinda gal, living moment to moment – Julia Roberts / Pretty Woman
In a world where everything is set to automatic, even our payment plans are scheduled to deduct from our accounts on a regular basis. It's annoying when you have one of those months where everything seems to be due for their yearly deduction. Rates, water or rego can take a toll on your bank account. With our set and forget option you can pay up-front for the 3, 6 or 12 month plan. This means you won't have to worry about the charge being declined or insufficient funds in your account. The only thing you'll have to remember is when your subscription runs out and to buy from us again!
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