What's your favourite Fragrance

What's your favourite Fragrance

Our sense of smell is the most powerful of all our senses, a certain aroma can awaken a memory from your past, transporting you back to that time and place. Some of our favourites are from childhood, the sweet yet floral note in the spring time when Jasmine would bloom, the smell of fresh cut grass after your Dad had mowed the lawn or the scent of rain on a hot Summer afternoon. On trips to the beach who can forget the smell of the sand, sea or even sunscreen.

What we smell influences our moods, how often have you had a bad morning, your running late and rush past a café, and inhale the fragrance of freshly brewed coffee, and a smile appears on your face. Or on early mornings walking past a bakery as the fresh goods are being prepared for the day, it makes you feel like ditching the no-carbs diet and indulging with warm bread. Why do you think real estate agents have been telling us to have fresh baked goods at open homes, these smells make us feel cosy and comfortable.

Did you know that our sense of smell can influence up to 75% of our emotions daily? Studies have shown people that are immersed in an environment with aromas that they enjoy, there is an improvement of mood and creativity than those exposed to an unpleasant odour. Different scents have a different effect on each and every one of us, what we think smells nice may be too sweet or overpowering for someone else. What are your favourite fragrances?


Just the smell of chocolate can improve your mood.

IMAGE - Raw Chocolate www.rawchocolate.com



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