For the first time, we're releasing a few more hints on what's in the box this month.  


This month we played with the concept – if colour had a scent, what would it smell like?

September 2020 Club Candle Fresh Earthy Mood Board

This was such a fun day. When we have our candle fragrance choice day I wrap the labels of all the sample scents so you can’t see what they are called. I love this process as it lets us rely more on our senses of both smell and memory to help describe what we’re smelling.


The brief this month for the Fresh / Earthy candle box was to find a scent to match a colour.


When we usually smell aromas we describe them as floral, woody, fruity, fresh and we use words like jasmine, sandalwood, pineapple and lemon. This month there were descriptive words relating to colour. It’s funny how so many scents can remind us of certain colours. Warm browns, spicy reds, fresh greens, ocean blues and sweet pinks.


A hint that we haven’t yet revealed – this month we had too much fun and were deadlocked over our two favourite Fresh / Earthy scents. So we picked them both. For the first time since Christmas 2007 we have released two Fresh / Earthy candles. Some of you will get one colour and the scent to match and some of you will get the other colour. But don't worry, if you’re experiencing FOMO. The other scent will be available in our SHOP OUR PAST CANDLES from the 10th of September.



One of my best friends Tash has started working with me. As an interior designer, she sees the world as a mood board and is trying to get me to choose our monthly scents this way. It was a really fun experience. Instead of choosing a scent to suit the jar. I choose the mood and then the scent and container to suit that mood.


I’m very much a minimalist. I think that’s why I love candles in all different shapes, colours and sizes. They decorate and warm up my blank canvas at home.


I started by choosing an image, that made me feel calm / warm / and comfort. Then I chose colours and textures to match. Once I had my very own mood board we went to our fragrance library to decide on the best match to suit that mood.

September 2020 Sweet Fruity Candle Mood

Another hint that we haven’t revealed about our sweet fruity candle – one of my main fragrance ingredients are grown on a vine, but it’s not a green bean.


Take a look at our candle box hint to see if you can decipher it. If you think you know what it is, add a comment and then write DONE in the Facebook comments to this blog post and you may just hear from us with another something special.

I scream when you call me plain



Until the 10th when we reveal what was in the box






  • KHaMbkiTPe


  • YrJBtcPpINzF


  • Ali

    I think sweet and fruity has a vanilla base scent.

  • Shaz

    the sweet fruity one has to be vanilla because l want to scream when its called plain. I love it, hope lm right 🤞

  • Helen Moore

    My guess for one of the colour candles is orange or tangerine. The sweet and fruity guess is passion fruit

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